The aim of this blog is to collect stories from inspiring characters around the globe. The blog is to be seen as a source of inspiration gathered by our personal experience with the target to spread the idea of purpose-driven business.

Hacking HR 2020
IGNITE had the privilege to be a part of the HR Hacking forum in Zürich, organised by the brilliant Nuria Rojo, a transformational consultant fully invested in the topics surround human centric leadership. #HackingHR is a global community of HR and business leaders, consultants, technologists and many others, passionate about the intersection of future of work, technology, people and organizations. We would like to share our take-aways from the event. We hope you enjoy reading.

Truly Human Leadership 2020
Bob Chapman recently visited the University of St. Gallen during his “Truly Human Leadership” tour, which marked a very special day for IGNITE. His work was one of the main inspirations to IGNITE’s foundation in 2015, and the student-led movement continues to strongly identify with his values.